Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Hazard (FUN) of being married to a police officers

Today, Steve had his self defense tactic training. Guess what that means for us. If you guessed that we become the bad men (women) that's right. He practices on us. Tonight, Drew didn't like it when he was showing me the moves, so he jumped right on his head. Luckily no one was hurt. Well, I shouldn't say that. Daddy said his head was kinda sore. The three of us were able to take him down.......


grandmarockton said...

looks like FUN no one went to Hospital? Guess you need that other child to wear out Steve!

Kris said...

These pictures are adorable! I bet the kids love practicing their moves on their dad. So much fun.

grandmarockton said...

So Steve is on his way to WHERE for that 3 one????????