Sunday, September 30, 2007

Lazy Weekend

The Queens. Grandpa made this for Sofia. She didn't want to wear it. So she gave it to Grandma to wear.

The girls both wanted to sit on Grandma's lap at Beef A Roo.
Lazy day just watching the world go by.

This weekend we really didn't do much. Which is fine with us. We need a break from time to time. Sofia and I went to grandma and grandpa's. We had Beef a Roo night today. One new thing we started was potty training. I should say we are taking baby steps. Sofia will sit on the potty forever. So to pass the time we read and pretend to wash our hands, hair, belly, legs etc. Today I found a Elmo potty book. Sofia loves Elmo.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Happy Birthday Ty

That's our baby boy. Ty turned 4 today. Isn't he handsome.
Sofia giving her brother a birthday hug.

The boys at the Store picking out a toy and treat.
The boys enjoying the bones.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Monkey see Monkey Do

Today Sofia and I went to grandma and grandpa's. Alyssa and Sofia had lots of fun playing with grandma. I think they wore grandma out.

Sofia and Alyssa sharing the car. (Ha Ha) If only you were there to see what really goes on between the girls.
Grandma was playing peek a boo with the girls.

Sofia giving Alyssa a hug after her morning nap.
Sofia helping grandma pull Alyssa around the yard.
Monkey See Monkey Do. The girls decided to climb on the picnic table. They both were standing on it at one point. Don't worry no one was hurt.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Pumpkin Patch

The family photo.
Brandon and Sofia got pony rides
The big pumpkin with balloons in it. Brandon didn't want to come out.
Sofia doing happy feet.
Sofia passed out.
Today we went to the pumpkin patch. Brandon and Sofia had lots of fun picking out a pumpkin to take home. Sofia was sleeping before we even left the parking lot. So when we got home daddy tried to get her to stand up so we could feed her lunch, but she crashed on the floor. It was a busy and fun morning for her.

Weekend Update

On Friday Aunt Julie came over. She got to feed Sofia her dinner. Saturday we cleaned house. And went to Lunch with Great Grandpa Grant for his birthday. Sofia had alot of fun.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Some of Sofia's First

Showing off her new slippers.
Watching Sesame Street in her Elmo Chair
Sharing her Cheerios with Gma. This is what Sofia calls Grandma.
This week has started out with a bang. Sofia got her first hair cut. Well sort of. Grandma just took the ends off. Today, Sofia went to the doctor. She has not been feeling well. She has her first ear infection. The doctor gave her an antibiotic. Which is another first. Can you believe we have been home 10mos and she has never needed a antibiotic. Sofia has been very healthy. I just hope Sofia can get the medicine down.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Alyssa's Birthday

Look at my pretty dress.
The girls watching Pickles the clown make balloon animals

Alyssa got her very own cake
Alyssa giving her meow meow a Kiss.

Today Sofia and I went to Alyssa's birthday party. She had Pickles the Clown. Alyssa cried at first but then got used to the clown. Sofia really didn't want anything to do with the Clown. She hung out in the sun room with the guys. I got a picture of Aunt Tina with a clown nose on but I thought if I posted it I would be dead. Grandma got Alyssa a meow meow. Grandma put the cat in a cage and brought into the house and Amnesty and Tina thought it was a real cat. Sofia brought it to me to put in the diaper bag. She thought it was hers.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

18 month pictures

Tea Party

Aunt Julie came over and played tea party with Sofia. Wrigley also played tea party. Sofia really likes Aunt Julie. Of course Aunt Julie has to point out how beautiful Asian people are. Aunt Julie and Sofia have the softest skin, silky hair and are just so darn cute. I told Aunt Julie if she keeps this up Sofia is going too get a big head. Of course everything Aunt Julie said about Sofia was true. And we tell her how beautiful she is everyday. I just have to give Aunt Julie a hard time.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Baby Talk

Sofia and Alyssa went to baby talk at the library today. They had fun. Sofia had her moments. Alyssa liked the bear. Sofia was not sure of the bear.
The art project today was apples. I tried to get Sofia to hold the apple and get a photo. Which she didn't want to do. So I thought lets play peekaboo with it. So that's how I got a picture of her and the apple she made.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Sofia's first Apple Orchard

Today we took Sofia to Edwards. She sampled some apples, look at the pumpkins and got to pet a calf. She had her first taste of apple cider. She really liked the apples and cider. Mommy and Daddy ate the donuts. Next time we will have to sample the pie with ice cream.

Monday, September 10, 2007

10 Month Anniversary & Sofia is 19 Months

Sofia looking up a phone number for me today. Sofia using her phone to call her friends.

Sofia's Brothers. They love her so much. Ty trying to give Sofia a kiss, Wrigley taking a nap.
We have been home 10 mos today. Today we just sat at home and played. It was raining and cold. We took photo's to mark the day. Some of Sofia's new things are to say No No to everything. Even if she wants it. She is saying more words. Sofia loves to do whatever mama's doing. The other day when I was vacuuming she took her popper out and was running it all around the house. She also likes to dust. I gave her a paper towel and she went all around the house dusting for me. She is really good about doing things we ask her to do. She likes to throw her diaper's away. The other day I asked her to get her shoes and socks. She went into her room and came out with both items in her hands.