Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Drew got a new toy

We got drew a John Deere Gator. He LOVES it..... We can't keep him off it. I think we might have a farm boy!! If only we lived on a farm!! LOL

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Ty's Birthday

Happy birthday TY. Our boy is 8 year's young today. He got to go to the store and pick out a new baby. (He picked a cow, which he tries to carry on his walk) We took him to McDonald's for a plain hamburger, and he picked out a pig ears for his treat.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

FCC Picnic (Happy Grandparents Day)

All of the FCC girls!!!!

Some of Sofia friends. Every year we take a picture on this airplane. Wow they are sure getting big...
The dad's having a cooking licking contest....

Today, we went to a local park and meet with families that adopted from China. We love see how the kids have grown.

Friday, September 09, 2011

Drew's first day at friday playmats

We enrolled Drew at the YMCA. They have a wonderful preschool/swim lesson program. Every friday Drew gets to go play and swim for 2 hours. This is the first time we have left Drew with anyone other than family. He loves it.