Sunday, December 18, 2011

Sofia field trip and Drew's new Big boy bed

Sofia class went to the tree farm today. We got to go on a wagon ride, have hot chocolate and play with the puppies.
While I was at the field trip Steve and Drew converted his toddler bed into a big boy bed. We are getting ready for my brother, sister in law and nephew to come for the holidays. Can't wait, it's been to long.

Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Drew's Gotcha Day

3 year's ago today we brought home Drew. What a blessing he has been to our family. We enjoyed the day by seeing Santa Claus

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. Jieyun came for dinner, its was her first time having turkey. She said she like all of the food.

Chicago China Town, Wedding

We had a busy weekend. We went to China Town with some friends. It's was a little cold. Jieyun loved it. She was able to eat some real Chinese food. After a long day in Chicago we got home just in time to go to my cousin wedding. This weekend we had a special guess from Sofia's school. (Rainbow Fish, he had to go everywhere with us.)

Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween and Happy Gotcha Day Sofia

Our little princess, little wolf, and little police man. All such cuties.

Sofia at school, they had a little concert today.
Drew at Preschool in his little police costume.
It's been 5 years since we first held Sofia WOW. Can't believe how time goes by so fast.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Uncle Junie

Today Uncle Junie was called home. We are so sad and shocked at the sudden loss of an amazing Uncle and friend. Steve was very close to Uncle Junie. They went on fishing trips and to NASCAR races every year. He will be forever missed.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Sofia's Kindergarten Photo

Thank you Grandma for finding this pretty dress, to match our beautiful daughter.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Sofia lost her 2nd tooth!!

Sofia lost her first tooth on Aug 11. We had been eating some corn for dinner and it was about to come out, so I told her to brush her teeth. Well that's all it took was eating some corn and a little brushing and it came right out

Grandma made her a tooth pillow!
Sofia lost her 2ND tooth today. Steve was trying to get it out before she went to bed. We were afraid she would swallow it. But he couldn't get it. So Grandma came in and wiggled it and it came right out. She loves getting a present from the toothfairy.

Friday, October 07, 2011

Wisconsin Dells

Steve went to Sofia's school to talk about his job. It's police week. Steve said Sofia was SO excited to see him. She came running to him to give him a BIG HUG. All the kids made him Thank You cards.

We took the kids to the dells after Sofia got out of school. This was not planned so Sofia and Drew were very excited when we told them where we were going. We usually plan a dell's trip in November for Sofia's adoption day. But this year we went early. I'm sure we will be back in November or December or even both months. Sofia has lots of day's off.

Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Sofia's first field trip

The three girls I was in charge off. Sofia is in the purple coat!

Sofia first field trip was to the apple orchard. I'm one of the room mom, so I got to go. It was Sofia's first time on a school bus! I had the option to take the bus or my own car. I rode the bus with Sofia. (But didn't' take any pictures on the bus) The kids learned how they pick the apples, separate and wash them. We all got a cider apple donut and cider apple juice. They were yummy!! I can't wait till there next field trip, we are going to the tree farm in December.

Happy Birthday Steve

Today we celebrated Steve's birthday. In the morning we had playgroup at a apple orchard. Then home for lunch and nap.. Then we went out to dinner, Steve pick one of my favorite places to eat Shogun. Then it was home to open presents. Hope you had a wonderful birthday. Love you!!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Drew got a new toy

We got drew a John Deere Gator. He LOVES it..... We can't keep him off it. I think we might have a farm boy!! If only we lived on a farm!! LOL

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Ty's Birthday

Happy birthday TY. Our boy is 8 year's young today. He got to go to the store and pick out a new baby. (He picked a cow, which he tries to carry on his walk) We took him to McDonald's for a plain hamburger, and he picked out a pig ears for his treat.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

FCC Picnic (Happy Grandparents Day)

All of the FCC girls!!!!

Some of Sofia friends. Every year we take a picture on this airplane. Wow they are sure getting big...
The dad's having a cooking licking contest....

Today, we went to a local park and meet with families that adopted from China. We love see how the kids have grown.