Drew is officially in a booster chair. He wanted to join the "Big Kids". He is doing really well with using his fork and spoon.

Drew has been spending quite a bit of time in "Time Out" (For hitting) I don't remember Sofia going through a hitting phase. Maybe it's a boy thing. Any suggestions on how to get him to quit?

Sofia went to the Doctors today. She not feeling good. Doctor said she has a ear infection and Strep. So no preschool tomorrow. !!(
I hope she is OK by Thursday. She has school pictures.

We were on a walk on Saturday. A squirrel decided to cross the street and run up the tree, right in front of us. Ty was trying his hardest to climb the tree.
It's never a dull moment around here.
HOPE they both feel better by this week-end and party!
Dane hits too. It seems like it is when he gets excited and not a reaction of anger/frustration. We are trying to redirect "owies" to "nice hands." I am really impressed Drew will sit still and have a successful time out! He is such a sweetie I can't imagine him hitting anyone!
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