Sunday, August 09, 2009

Making Memories

I haven't posted in awhile due to a family member illness. I just wanted to say memories are so important to make. Life is way too short. We never know when it's our time, so make every second count.
This year we will be making memories not getting the kids material things. To us material things won't and don't last a lifetime like memories. So please make some memories with the people you love. Thank you for all the prayers and support.
In this time we also have to make sure we are enjoying ourselves. We took the kids and Alyssa to Chuck E. Cheese last night for dinner. It was a nice mental break.


Jen said...

I'm sorry to hear that a family member is ill. I'm sending my best wishes.

Your children are as cute as ever. Thanks for sharing the photos!

Pop-Pop * Nana said...

It is so hard on everyone when a family member is ill, if you need anything please let us know...we will always be here for you~
Love you!