Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Drew is officially ours!!!

Today, we went to court to finalize Drew's adoption. He is now a US Citizen and officially ours. Even though he was ours the day he was placed in our arms. Today, it was made legal. We celebrated by making Bulgogi. We thank God for both our kids. They are both gifts from God.

Thanks Grandma and Grandpa for the present....


Jen said...

Congratulations!!! That is awesome!!! Your post has totally made my day.

grandmarockton said...

God has Blessed you and your growing family! love you guys THANKS for stopping by.

Pop-Pop * Nana said...

You are right you are truly BLESSED! We thank God everyday for our beautiful gandchildren*

Jill said...

I know I'm a bit behind on this...but, congratulations!! Yay!!!