Drew didn't want to keep the Band aid on..... Sofia giving Drew a kiss

These are some more photo's from yesterday...
Today, I took Drew in for his one year old checkup. He got 3 shots and his blood taken. He was such a little trooper. He weighed in at 24 pounds. His height is 32 inches. So for his height and head he is in the 97Th percent and his weight is 50-75%. Dr. Hutt said next time he sees us Drew is going to be bigger than me. I guess they want to see him when he turns 15mos. This must be a new thing Sofia never went in at 15mos. Tonight he started to get a fever. So hopefully he will sleep through the night. I gave him some Motrin. Sofia was so cute she wanted to kiss his band aids. She is such a good sister.
He's going to BIGGER than mom and dad BOTH! Such a wonderful child!
awwww, they are getting so big and as usual cute as can be:) glad I can spend lots of time with them and watching them grow up!
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