Monday, January 12, 2009

Update on Wrigley

The vet called all his blood work came back normal. One Liver Panel came back high. So the vet is going to give us some medicine to flush out his liver. We will recheck his blood work in 3 weeks to see if the Liver panel comes back in the normal range. I want to Thank everyone who has commented and called. Also a big Thank you to everyone who help me get Wrigley to the vet. Sofia has been keeping a eye on Wrigley. She told me last night "Wrigley all better" No Dr Hutt. (Dr Hutt is her doctor, she thinks everyone goes to Dr. Hutt)


The Pickle Family said...

I am so glad all turned out OK. We were worried for you and checking today for the update. Happy to hear the good news.

sue said...

i am so happy that he is ok! looks like he has a very sweet "nurse" that is taking good care of him!
