Friday, January 23, 2009

Fun Stuff and Vintage clothing

Grandpa and Drew playing the Drums..

Grandma and Grandpa came over to see the kids.

Sofia showing me her and Alyssa. (She is the Sonya Lee doll)
Sofia and Grandma watching a DVD. Drew getting into trouble....

VINTAGE DAY @ Grandma and Grandpa's

The dress Sofia is wearing, I wore when I was 7. I was a flower girl for a very good friend of the family. Can you believe it Sofia fits the dress. I must of been very skinny and short.

This was also mine. Oscar the Grouch must of been my favorite. I think the kids look soooo CUTE.....
I can't wait until next week. We will have to dig out some more clothes for the kids to wear. I love looking back on my childhood and seeing what my parents dressed me in......

1 comment:

grandmarockton said...

maybe you WERE the Grouch????????