What we know about our little guy.
He was born on Feb 29Th 08. Yes he is a leap year baby. His Korean name is Min Ho Park. He is very healthy. He also has siblings living in Korea.
What we don't know yet.
We still don't have a name for him. We might wait until he comes home to give him a name. We don't know when he will be home. He should be home by Christmas. (We hope) We don't know if one of us will travel or if he will be escorted.

He is sooo cute! Congratulations!
Congratulations! I think that I should get to go with to pick him up to, (M.S.) Or that my prize will be to hold him first. Sofia will have fun with him, she will be a little mama helper. Keep us posted .ok Love TIna and family
Congratulations!!! I love seeing all our referrals in the Red Chair :)
Hope you have a speedy process until pick-up, keep us posted!
He's sooo cute!!! Congratulations to you all!
Hope all your paperwork goes really quickly and he's home by Christmas!
Congratulations, Mellissa, Steve, and Sofia! He is adorable! I can't wait to meet him! I'll pray for speedy travel/escort so he'll be home for Christmas!
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