Friday, July 18, 2008

Grease Monkey

Yesterday, I woke up to Sofia room like this. Not only did she destroy her room. She somehow managed to get a tube of A&D. She had it in her hair and all over her body. I washed her hair 5 times. (Called grandma and she told me you should have put the shampoo on before getting the hair wet) Should of called earlier. Tonight we washed her hair again. This time the A&D came out. Grandma has been telling me We've been spoiled with Sofia. She is a very good child. We are blessed. I think she jinxs us.

Sofia was playing with her shopping cart and play food. Look what I found in the refrigerator!!! I took it out and she put it back again. So I guess it will be staying there.

Who is in Sofia's bed? Sofia gets so mad when Wrigley goes into her room. She comes out and tells us Wrigley out, Wrigley out.


Flor said...

Ah, every parent has a story about their child getting into "untouchables"...JP loves dipping his hands in tubs of vaseline, and once, Little Bill put KY in his mouth. It was the kind with the 'warming sensation'. We called poison control and they said that it wouldn't harm him at would have a laxative effect!

Flor said...
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