Monday, September 10, 2007

10 Month Anniversary & Sofia is 19 Months

Sofia looking up a phone number for me today. Sofia using her phone to call her friends.

Sofia's Brothers. They love her so much. Ty trying to give Sofia a kiss, Wrigley taking a nap.
We have been home 10 mos today. Today we just sat at home and played. It was raining and cold. We took photo's to mark the day. Some of Sofia's new things are to say No No to everything. Even if she wants it. She is saying more words. Sofia loves to do whatever mama's doing. The other day when I was vacuuming she took her popper out and was running it all around the house. She also likes to dust. I gave her a paper towel and she went all around the house dusting for me. She is really good about doing things we ask her to do. She likes to throw her diaper's away. The other day I asked her to get her shoes and socks. She went into her room and came out with both items in her hands.

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