Sofia has been home for 5 months. It does not seem that long ago we were getting off the plane in Chicago. A lot has happen in the 5 months since Sofia's been home. I took some pictures yesterday to mark the 5mos. Sofia got her first coloring book and color crayons. Daddy showed her how to color in the lines. (Ha Ha) I think she is going to be right handed. I thought for sure she would be left handed when we first came home.
Fashion Show
9 years ago
5 months...doesn't seem like it.
A girl can never have too many coloring books and crayons. I am 36 years old and I still buy them and color as a stress relief. Bring her over anytime and I'll color with her.
She will need as many coloring books as she has shoes!!!!
YOU are so LUCKY! Sofia is a bright, love'n little angel. Enjoy every second ; its like she was born here! Love you all! ENJOY the tripdown parenthood lane the good bad and sometimes STINKY,too. love gr
The time has gone so fast and we have loved every minute of it! We are all so blessed to have her here with us...Daddy always loved to color when he was little now he can do it all the time with Sofia!Love you!
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