Happy Father's day to my wonderful husband and the BEST DAD. When he woke up this morning Sofia gave him the bag and said I got you a red golf shirt, before he even opened the bag. I'll have pictures of Steve with the kids tomorrow. He had to work today. WE ALL LOVE YOU!!!!

The kids giving Grandma and Grandpa kisses and hugs...

Today was my mom's birthday. It's also Wrigley's birthday he turned 7 years old. I'm not going to tell my mom's age. I know better. Grandma and Grandpa had us over for a cookout. Yes she had to cook on her birthday. Happy birthday to the BEST MOM in the World........ WE LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sofia giving her big brother a hug and kisses for his birthday.....

Wrigley and Ty enjoying there bones, we got them as a present.... We can't believe he is already 7. Where does time go???? Happy Birthday to the BEST Yellow Lab in the world. We love you Wrigley.......