Today Sofia turned 18 months. We have been home 9 months. We wanted to share somethings we have learned about our daughter.
Sofia's Favorites
Favorite Toy: Meow Meow
Favorite Food: Cheerios, Tomato's, Italian, Mexican, etc. She loves everything and anything you try to feed her.
The girl can eat.Favorite Restaurant: Olive Garden, Saborossa, JMK, Beef A Roo
Favorite Thing to do: Dance. She will dance to any music including commercials and Lawrence Welk. (That's right Lawrence Welk) She also will give and say "Five". When someone comes over that is one of the first things she wants to do.
Favorite TV show: Elmo
Favorite DVD, CD: Backyardigans
Sofia's Personality at 18mos. (I say at 18mos because it could and will change)
She loves to snuggle
She is Loving, Caring, Talkative, Strong Willed, Smart, Independent, and Yes a "Drama Queen".
One of Sofia's new word is NO NO with a finger. I know that means we are all in trouble when child repeats that word. Luckily we have only heard no no a couple of times. I think Daddy, I, Grandma and Aunt Tina are the only ones who have heard it. (So Far)