Steve and I took Sofia to Gymboree today. She tried it out for free and liked it so much we are going to take a 6 week class. We are going on Saturday's so Daddy can come along and have fun with us. We took photo's at Gymboree. I also took some photo's of Sofia with her sippy cup. She is getting better with her cup. She only has a few weeks left before she doesn't get the bottle. YEAH
Grandpa Ed was here today. He let Sofia get into the refrigerator. OK Sofia was just checking it out. Then Grandma had to show her how to get a Coke out. She was hoping Sofia would bring it to her. Aunt Tina bought Sofia her first Valentine PJ's along with a book. The book has card's so Sofia can send out Valentines to all her friends. Enjoy
I took some photo's today. Sofia is asleep and Wrigley is keeping her warm. The other photo's are of Sofia in her walker. Daddy was making faces at Sofia. So Sofia made some of her own. Enjoy
Today Sofia turned 11 mos. Where has the time went. It's almost been 3 months since we held her for the first time. I took some more photo's today. Like I don't take enough right. I think there might be a day or two that has gone by without taking a photo. (Maybe) Sofia loves to take off her socks. Sammy enjoys playing with them.
Sofia is getting used to a sippy cup. She gets her cup at lunch time. We also found her standing in her crib the other day. I just love the photo of her laughing one minute and crying the next. Enjoy