Sofia and Alyssa having fun at Grandma and Granpa's today. They sure do like playing together.
Sofia's new things she does or says are: Sofia doesn't like socks, so last night she threw them in the garbage. Sofia has never liked to have socks on, but it's so cold we have to keep putting them on. She does have slippers but they come off to easy. I think Santa will get her some new slippers. Sofia also has learned to climb into her highchair all by herself. When it's time to eat, all we have to say is its time to eat and she runs to the highchair and climbs in. She is getting so independent. Also I think a month or two back I wrote about the word NO. Well that's all Sofia says. You ask her a question and she says NO. It's her favorite word. We are trying to say everything but No. Sofia also has been slowing using the potty chair. She tells us when she needs a diaper change. When she wakes up from a nap, and is dry we put her on the potty chair and she goes. I really wasn't going to start potty training until spring. It's just so cold and with all the layers I thought it would be to hard. So we are not pushing her, we will continue to work at her pace.