Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Happy Birthday Priness Sofia

Today, Sofia turned 4 years old. We can't believe how time goes by way toooooo fast. I keep posting on how blessed our family is. We thank God everyday, for the blessings we have been given. I feel a little guilty for not having a fun filled day with Sofia. We did go to lunch, with my good friend and neighbor. The day was mostly spent packing. We close on the house Friday. So everything has to be out by tomorrow. Our last night in our house. I'll miss our neighbors we have grown close to.
Happy Birthday Princess Sofia
WE love you.
Please say a prayer tonight for all the birthmothers. Without them we would not have Sofia or Drew.


Erica, Jeramy, and Micah said...

Happy 4th Birthday, Sofia!

Michele said...

Happy birthday, Miss Sophia! xoxoxo We pray for our birthmom all of the time but I think about all of the birthmoms and how every blessing and happiness for us is a moment of mourning and sorrow for them. I pray one day in heaven we can all be reunited as one family in Christ!