Sunday, December 07, 2008

First full day with Drew

Last night Drew slept in his crib from 9:30 till 3:00. At 3:00 he had a bottle and went back to sleep. Today we spent the day getting to know each other. Some of Drew's dislikes are: Cereal, not getting what he wants or saying NO and his DIAPER CHANGED. (I want to thank everyone HA HA for not telling us BOY'S don't like to be CHANGED)
Some of today's first: Sofia has already told us Drew needs a Time Out. Sofia feed Drew some puffs today. He really likes his sister and watches everything she does. Drew also had his first bath. He liked it.
Drew and mommy are going to lose weight. My arms are killing me. Drew is 20 pounds. I put some of today's pictures and yesterdays pictures on a slide show.
We wanted to thank everyone that wrote a special note to Drew on the airplane quilt. Thank you mom, for putting the quilt together so fast.
PS. If I was able to take pictures while holding Drew there would be a lot more.


grandmarockton said...

The SHARING just makes me want to CRY! Big sister she is( thats a very hard job to as I know first hand)! ! ! He's just a cutie PLUS maybe a long 6 weeks! Leigh and family says HEY and what a cutie ,TOOOOOOOOO! loveto you ALL please wait at least 2 years NEXT time! GGpa Grant say CONGRATS, too

The Pickle Family said...

Wow you are lucky, he seems like a good sleeper already! Thanks for sharing with us, we are excited for you guys. Also, I learned how to change diapers while they stand up.

Jen said...

It sounds like your family is settling in wonderfully. Keep up the good work! It's so great to see photos of Drew at home!!!

Erica, Jeramy, and Micah said...

It sounds like he's doing great! Only one wake up the first night! That's awesome! Find his favorite toy to keep him occupied while changing his diaper, that helps sometimes!

Kara said...

He is so cute...and big:). Glad things are going well! It's so great to see the pictures. Thanks for sharing!