Monday, December 22, 2008

Cookie Day

Alyssa and Sofia playing... Drew was such a good boy watching us make cookies....

Drew wanted to Vacuum... (He's taking after mommy)

Look who's eating the cookies!!

Grandma was showing the girls how to make cookie cutouts....

Today we went to my mom's to make cookies for Christmas. This has been a tradition for many years. I love that we can all get together to cook. We try to make a new cookie every year. This year we made 3 new ones. The girls made pretzels with a kiss and a M&M on top. They loved unwrapping the chocolate. We have a lot of cookies to eat.....


Jen said...

It looks like you had a very fun day making cookies!!!

Enjoy your Christmas!

Kara said...

Sounds like you all had a great time!