Saturday, October 18, 2008

A day of Celebrities

Today we went to a Red Ribbon event, that honored School Resource Officers. So Steve got his picture taken with Miss Illinois. Sofia was a little confused with Rich the other officer in the photo. She kept looking at him like you are dressed like my daddy. It was kinda funny. At one point she grabbed Daddy's hand and Rich's hand and walking around. I wish I could of gotten a photo of it.
Sofia and Daddy had their photo taken with the jolly green giant from the green giant factory. The event was at my old school. It's been a long time since I was at my High School. We hope Sofia can go to my old school.

Sofia got her face painted by the Fine Art students. Brings back memories. When I was in school I did face painting for a couple events.

I went to Cesar Millan. AKA The dog whisper. He is on the Discovery channel. In the picture he is signing my book. (PS he signed it To Mellissa From Cesar Millan xoxoxo 08. I think he is very good looking. (To quote Mellissa telling Donna, "He is sooooooooo hot!")

1 comment:

grandmarockton said...

Mellissa are you getting Katrina's thing? about men? SOOOOOOOO hot at least he's more your age than collage. So did you learn anything? Busy day! Rich is cute maybe Sofia has watch men in her gene's toooooooo!