Sunday, June 29, 2008

Sofia's Blue Polka Dot Bikini

Sofia was showing Alyssa how to do somersault. The other photo of Sofia trying to figure out why Grandpa's chair cover is following her. It got caught on her purse.

The went down the slide on there butts, stomach and walked down it. They have no fear.
They were doing leg exercise.

The girls liked to get Grandpa wet.

Sofia got a new swimsuit. We went to grandma and grandpa's to play yesterday. The girls had alot of fun. Grandpa put the slide in the pool, and the girls just screamed and screamed with excitement. I couldn't get Sofia out of the water. We finally told her it was time for lunch. Sofia never refuses to eat.


Tina n Family said...

Cute pictures. thxs for your help.

grandmarockton said...

what a fun day with the girls,WHEN is flash or Utube coming to this blog?? gr