Saturday, February 09, 2008

Sofia's Birthday Party

Sofia is trying on her new Big Girl underwear. She loves to put underwear on. She hates pull ups. I tried putting pull ups on the other day and she threw a fit. She took the pull up off and put a diaper on all by herself.

Today we celebrated Sofia's second birthday, one day early. We took Sofia to Toys R us so she could pick out anything she wanted. Guess what she picked out a PINK BALL... The ball was only 1.29. Can you believe that. When we got home from the party guess what she got out of the bag? The pink Ball. She also loved the free ballon that Toys R Us gave us. We have another big day tomorrow. We are going to a Chinese New Year party. I tried to post the best photo's from today. We only took 125, alot less than last year.

1 comment:

Jennifer and Kevin McFatridge said...

Happy Birthday Sofia!!! Have fun today at the Chinese New Year Celebration.