Tonight while I was making dinner. Someone name Sofia got up in the chair and started to eat Daddy's bun. This was a shock because Sofia doesn't like bread. When Daddy came home I showed him the bun and he had to take action. (LOL) Sofia's bond is set at 100 hugs and 200 kisses.
Sofia is changing her babies Diapers. Such a good mommy!!! Sofia loves to dance and I tried to get lots of different poses of her feet. She decided to pose for the camera. Is she cute or what!!!!
Alyssa and Sofia using Grandpa's binoculars They look like they have been up to something? Sofia enjoying her first Girl Scout Cookie
I haven't posted in awhile so I thought I would put some photo's of Sofia on the blog from the past week. Also it's snowing again. (We could get 6-9 inches) I can't wait until spring gets here. We are going crazy in this house.
This is the front of the card. The inside, There is nothing written in the card. I don't know if its cause they thought we would not be able to have it translated. And the envelope it came in. Today, I went out and got the mail like any other day. And I found a card. I will post the scan photo's on the blog. It's from Sofia's orphanage. What a wonderful thing for her to have as she grows up. I started to cry. I don't know if this is common or not. We are so thankful for all the people who took care of Sofia. When Sofia wakes from her nap I will have to take some photo's of her with the card. I wish we could go back. We really do miss China. I hope that one day we will be able to take Sofia back. (If she wants too)
Sofia was dipping her apple in Ketchup. Alyssa is eating a Tomato! She didn't like the Tomato. Sofia was trying to get me to open my candy daddy got me. She knows she doesn't get candy but she still tries. Sofia made Daddy a Valentines Day card.
The girls crashed out on the floor!!!!
Sofia and I went to Grandma and Grandpa's to play today. Then we came home for Sofia nap. Daddy took mommy to the movies we saw Welcome home Roscoe Jenkins. Very funny movie. Amnesty and Alyssa came over to watch Sofia. The girls had lots of fun playing together.
Today we took Sofia to the doctors. She was very good today. The best she has ever been. They gave her a gown to wear. I really think that made a world of difference. She even shared her puffs with the Doc. She told him a story. He told her one too. They had their own little conversation. Sofia weighed in at 25 pounds 10 ounces. Which puts her just above the 25%, She was 34 inches which she just above the 50% for length. Sofia also had her blood drawn. We are testing her to see if she is allergic to Fish. She was so good today. I forgot my camera so Daddy took the pictures with his phone. The table is a fire truck. Sofia liked climbing up and down the stairs.
Today Sofia turned 2. Yes, time is going by way to fast. We went to church this morning. We lit a candle for Sofia's biological parents. Without them we would have no Sofia. After church we went out for breakfast. After Sofia's nap we went to the FCC Chinese New Year Party. We didn't know that it started at 2. So we got there at 3:00. By 3:15they were doing the group photo's, Sofia was not yet awake from her nap and she didn't want to have her picture taken. So Sofia is not in the group photo. We sat with Amy, Will, Allison, and Allison's grandparents. The girls had alot of fun. Sofia even opened the gift Amy, Will and Allison got Sofia. I told Amy she must of really wanted the gift, since last night she didn't want anything to do with opening presents. When we got home from the party. I decide to move Sofia's room around. (Oh forgot to mention Sofia climbed out of her crib again) This time there is no way off moving the bed down anymore, since the bed is on the floor inside the crib.
Sofia is trying on her new Big Girl underwear. She loves to put underwear on. She hates pull ups. I tried putting pull ups on the other day and she threw a fit. She took the pull up off and put a diaper on all by herself.
Today we celebrated Sofia's second birthday, one day early. We took Sofia to Toys R us so she could pick out anything she wanted. Guess what she picked out a PINK BALL... The ball was only 1.29. Can you believe that. When we got home from the party guess what she got out of the bag? The pink Ball. She also loved the free ballon that Toys R Us gave us. We have another big day tomorrow. We are going to a Chinese New Year party. I tried to post the best photo's from today. We only took 125, alot less than last year.