Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Sofia took 10 years off our lives!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today, Sofia didn't want to take a nap today. So I went in to check on her, well she had went poop so I changed her and put her back into the crib. As I turned to walk out of the room she went up and over the crib. And feel to the floor. She didn't even scream she came running over to me. She had a look on her face like what just happened. Daddy came running in to see what had happen. I told him Sofia had climb out of her crib. We are blaming her gymnastic class. We put the crib mattress and spring on the floor in the crib. She will not be able to climb out for a least a couple of months. Unless she has a growth sprout. When I told grandma and grandpa today, Grandma's reply was Welcome to Motherhood. (Ha Ha) I guess my brother Nick climb out of the crib at 12mos. We are not ready for her to be in a toddler bed.

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