Sunday, July 15, 2007

Weekend updates

On Friday we went to Culver's. Lifelink our adoption agency had a Culver's night. Only 4 families showed up. We had fun. Grandma and Grandpa showed up too. On Saturday we stayed at home. Daddy pulled Sofia around on the blanket. Thanks to Uncle Nick, Sofia loves going for rides on the blanket. We did go out for dinner on Saturday night. On Sunday, we went for breakfast. Sofia was the center of attention at the restaurant. A older man talked to her until he had to leave. Then a biker dude came in and he played peek A boo with Sofia. Another couple asked us about Sofia. She was a ham. She sure does have some faces. If only I could get them all on camera. Did you know today was national Ice cream day. Sofia did. She called grandpa to see if he would take her to get ice cream. Guess what grandpa is a push over when it comes to the grand kids. (ha ha) So we met grandpa and grandma for dinner and ice cream. Grandpa and Sofia shared everything tonight. He taught her how to dip the fries in ketchup. She even shared her sippy cup with grandpa. Oh I forgot Sofia likes banana's.

1 comment:

grandmarockton5 said...

I know Grandma Ruth is smiling about how "old guy ED is being PUSHED around by this little one and Alyssa sure can "HANDLE" him TOOOOO! I'm sure when Brody gets to see him he'll know how to WORK it to?!