Sofia enjoying all the GOOD food!!!
Great Grandpa Grant brought ice cream, and ice cream cones. We gave the girls the cones and they loved that!!!
(Uncle Steve) Daddy is playing games with Amnesty.
They get along so well. Sofia is a little mother to Alyssa. Sofia likes to take Alyssa's hand and have her follow her around. She is always giving Alyssa her sippycup. She keeps track of where she is at all times.
Michele and Alyssa having a good time at Dinner. Grandma has her hands full with the girls.
Michele and Alyssa having a good time at Dinner. Grandma has her hands full with the girls.
Aunt Tina had us all over for lunch on Sunday. The girls really had a good time playing with Alyssa's Drums. After lunch we came home for a nap. We slept until 4:00. When we got up it was almost time for dinner with the family. We had a lot of fun at dinner. It's great to see everyone each month and learn whats new in each family. There is always something going on.