Monday, April 30, 2007


Today Sofia and I went to Alpine park for a play date. We met Rachel, Jackie and Kelly. I was asked a funny question from one of the moms not in our playgroup. She wanted to know if all of our husbands were Asian. I said no that we had all adopted. After she left I thought I should of said yes, we are all sister-in-laws. Sofia didn't want to share and had a couple of melt downs. I think Sofia has hit her terrible two's at age 15mos. I love playgroups Sofia needs the interaction with kids her age. I found out today Sofia does not like the swing.

Sunday, April 29, 2007


Do you know what you were doing 6 months ago? We were meeting our daughter Sofia for the first time!! Wow, how time goes by. We still remember the first time we saw her. As I type this I have tears in my eyes. What an amazing child we have been blessed with. I can't believe how much Sofia has changed in just 6mos. We celebrated today by going to lunch at a place called Sophia's. After lunch we enjoyed the day by playing outside, taking a walk and a nap. Sofia and I went out for dinner. (Daddy was working overtime) If it's in God's plan for Sofia to have a brother or a sister we can start the process.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Madison Zoo

Today Sofia and Katelyn went to the zoo. The girls had a lot of fun. In one of the photos it looks like Sofia is telling Katelyn how big the fish is. We also went to Ella's to eat lunch. Both girls ate a pickle for the first time. They seemed to like it. We enjoyed spending the day with Dani, Vince and Katelyn. Sofia slept the whole way home.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Busy Day

Sofia and I had another playdate. We met a girl from China. After our playdate we met Aunt Julie and Aunt Jill at JMK. The kids sure enjoyed lunch. After lunch we came home Sofia took a long nap. Then Grandma and Grandpa had us over for dinner. Great Grandpa Grant was there. It has been a busy day. Guess what I forgot my camera. No photo's of today's events.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007


We turned Sofia's car seat. She was so funny on our way home. She had this look like WHAT did you guys do. We were laughing and of course I forgot my camera at home. But did take some tonight of her in it. Today on our walk daddy picked a flower for Sofia.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Spring Weather

The weather has been so nice. Sofia loves to be outside. Hope everyone is outside enjoying the weather.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Love without Boundaries

I found a photo on the LWB Blog tonight. I tried to copy and paste it on the blog but it would not let me. The photo has Steve and Sofia in it. (Well part of them) I guess the orphanage puts the family photo's on the wall. I have emailed LWB to see if they would send me the photo's they took at Qingliu. You can see that Steve has his bears shirt on.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

New outfit

Sofia got a new outfit on Sunday. She wanted to show off her new purse, shirt and shorts. Grandma and Grandpa came over yesterday. Sofia was trying to put her shoes on Grandma's feet.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Quilt Photo's

Grandpa kept Sofia busy while grandma and mama shopped. Did you see her new purse?

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Sofia's first Quilt Show

Sofia went to her first quilt show today. We took lots of photo's but they are on grandma's camera. So when we get the photo's we will post them. I bet grandma will want to take Brody to his first quilt show when we are in Florida. We also went shopping. I bought Sofia another purse. I was told a girl can never have too many.

Play Date

Sofia had another play date. We all met at Dani and Vince's house on Saturday. We played, then we went out for dinner. The girls did really well at the steakhouse. Then back to Dani and Vince's house to play some more. We all enjoyed the play date.

Sofia's Swimsuit

Sofia, grandma and mama are going to Florida. We are going to see Brody, Aunt Leigh and Uncle Nick. Brody will turn 1 while we are down there. Sofia got a new swimsuit for the trip. She wanted to show off her new suit.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Surprise Visit

Today Sofia had a visitor. Alyssa stopped by. I just wanted to let everyone who has and still is posting comments on the blog that we are going to print the blog out. We thought Sofia would love to have a book made from the blog. Thank you, to all that have posted comments. Please keep them coming I enjoy reading them and I know Sofia will too some day.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

It's been 5 mos.

Sofia has been home for 5 months. It does not seem that long ago we were getting off the plane in Chicago. A lot has happen in the 5 months since Sofia's been home. I took some pictures yesterday to mark the 5mos. Sofia got her first coloring book and color crayons. Daddy showed her how to color in the lines. (Ha Ha) I think she is going to be right handed. I thought for sure she would be left handed when we first came home.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

The Easter Bunny

Our first Easter together. Today was a very busy day, just look at the last photo of Sofia. You can't see it but her hair is all over the place. We started the day off with Sofia finding her Easter basket. Then it was off to church. After church we went to Grandma and Grandpa T's house. They bought Sofia a Easter basket and a Big pink bunny. After Grandma's and Grandpa's house we came home. (Daddy had to work today.) Sofia and I went to my sister house and ate lunch. Sofia got more Easter presents. The Easter bunny was sure good to Sofia and the boys this year.

The purse

Thursday, April 05, 2007


We suffered a great lost yesterday. Our Sammy (bunny) is in heaven. It's been one of the hardest day's. Sammy touched so many of us. With his cute flops and running around with stuff in his mouth. Sammy will always be with us in our hearts forever. As Sofia gets older we will tell her the great joy Sammy brought to us.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Sofia's First Purse

Sofia got a purse today from Grandma Rockton. It's pink with green butterflies on it. It also came with a pink dog. The photo's I took somehow got deleted. So we will have to get some with the new purse later. Sofia also got a new spring jacket. Its a Tommy Jean Jacket. Sofia was modeling her new stuff for mama today.